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Quantitative Biology Workshop

Classified as: BIO341 - Computational Biology (1 Alt. Course Available)
Course Description:

Do you have an interest in biology and quantitative tools? Do you know computational methods but do not realize how they apply to biological problems? Do you know biology but do not understand how scientists really analyze complicated data? 7.QBWx: the Quantitative Biology Workshop is designed to give students exposure to the application of quantitative tools to analyze biological data at an introductory level. For the last few years, the Biology Department of MIT has run this workshop-style course as part of a one-week outreach program for students from other universities. With 7.QBWx, we can give more students from around the world the chance to discover quantitative biology. We hope that this series of workshops encourages students to explore new interests and take more biology and computational courses. We expect that students from 7.00x Introduction to Biology "The Secret of Life" or an equivalent course can complete this workshop-based course without a background in programming. The course content will introduce programming languages but will not teach any one language in a comprehensive manner. The content of each week varies. So students with programming experience will find some weeks easier than students with only biology experience, while 7.00x students should find the week on genetics easier than students without that experience. We recommend that students try to complete each week to find what interests them the most.

  • Instructor(s) Jeff Gore, Paul Blainey and others
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 13/Jan/2015
  • Duration Always Available
  • Main Language English
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