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The Science of Happiness

Course Description:

We all want to be happy, and there are countless ideas about what happiness is and how we can get some. But not many of those ideas are based on science. That’s where this course comes in. “The Science of Happiness” is the first MOOC to teach the ground-breaking science of positive psychology, which explores the roots of a happy and meaningful life. Students will engage with some of the most provocative and practical lessons from this science, discovering how cutting-edge research can be applied to their own lives. Created by UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, the course will zero in on a fundamental finding from positive psychology: that happiness is inextricably linked to having strong social connections and contributing to something bigger than yourself—the greater good. Students will learn about the cross-disciplinary research supporting this view, spanning the fields of psychology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and beyond.

  • Instructor(s) Dacher Keltner, Emiliana Simon-Thomas
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 01/Dec/2014
  • Duration Always Available
  • Main Language English
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  • belinha
    Belinha Enrolled Feb 05 2015
    Time well spent! It was such a great learning experience. I knew nothing about positive psychology. The readings were very interesting and I was constantly feeling surprised by it. I did not use much of what I learned to change my life but I changed some perspectives I had about people and emotions. This course has a lot of scientific information that I wasn't expecting. I finished the course in November 2014 and I still talk about its content to my friends whenever I get the chance. It was well organized, the platform run well. I did not interact much with fellow students because I was very short of time. It was a bit hard to follow because English isn't my mother language and I wanted to finish it on time...
  • sherna
    sherna Enrolled Feb 06 2015
    Life Changing Experience Thank you so much for the course, it was a great learning experience and I really enjoyed it. I would highly recommend it for a life changing experience.
  • Dilislip
    Dilyana Enrolled Feb 06 2015
    Amazing Course! This is one of the greatest courses I have taken so far! Although I haven't finished the course yet, I would like to point out that it covers the whole ground of happiness theory. The course is very helpful because it explains in details every aspect of the science of happiness and it is easier to understand when there is so much information so that nothing is left out! I did two of the happiness practices which I felt I would enjoy and I really did! One of them - 3 positive things every day really changed my life! I've been doing it for more than 2 months now, and since the first time I feel happier and more talented. It helps you to focus on the positive things in your life and to understand a lot about yourself! At some point you realize what are the things that you enjoy doing, what your flow is, and that you are, indeed, talented! Another one that I have done and truly enjoyed was the self-compassion letter. It is so easy to always criticize yourself but this exercise helps you to be kinder to yourself and while writing this letter I experienced the greatest joy, peace and happiness! I highly recommend this course for everyone who wants to feel happier and to understand what makes them happy! The lectorers are amazing and I am very grateful to them for the hard work they put in order to present this course to so many people around the world and explain to them the science of happiness!