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Civic Ecology: Reclaiming Broken Places

Classified as: ENVSCI271 - Civic Ecology
Course Description:

Civic ecology is the study of community-driven environmental stewardship practices, their outcomes for individuals, communities, and ecosystems, and their interactions with the governance institutions and social-ecological systems in which they take place. Civic ecology practices—such as community gardening, wetlands restoration, and tree planting—are a means for people to express resilience and rebuild communities marked by tragedy and disinvestment.   Explore the people, places, and practices that restore nature, while also revitalizing neighborhoods. This interdisciplinary course covers contemporary thinking in resilience, social-ecological systems, and the relationship of nature to human and community wellbeing.   Students will have the opportunity to participate in a civic ecology service-learning project.

Course Tags: Ecosystems
  • Instructor(s) Marianne E. Krasny
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 10/Apr/2015
  • Duration Always Available
  • Main Language English
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