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Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing

Course Description:

In this class you will learn the basic principles and tools used to process images and videos, and how to apply them in solving practical problems of commercial and scientific interests.

  • Instructor(s) Aggelos Katsaggelos
  • University
  • Provider
  • Start Date 30/Mar/2015
  • Duration 12 weeks
  • Main Language English
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Course Reviews

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  • Demietra19
    Debasmita Completed Course Jun 26 2015
    Course is best suited if one has prerequisites of MATLAB and has dedication to fulfil a course. I needed to learn image processing as it was required as a prerequisite for my project work. I will definitely give pros and cons list of this course which i have taken recently and hopefully completed successfully.
    1. 12 week course filled with more than enough materials that is needed in an introductory image processing course. Rich contents with good examples.
    2. Assignments/Quiz questions are up to the mark. The question regarding programming is also challenging.
    3. It will make one study at least some hours in a week. And grading policies are good and well distributed.
    4. In my time, I was a part of a greatly productive discussion forum. If you're looking for a solution of particular question, one can get that much help so that one can do it on his own
    1. Technical members associated with this course are less.
    2. Dialect / Pronunciation of the professor is a bit hard to understand ,
    3. If one doesn't have the prerequisites of MATLAB it's really hard to follow.
  • rshruthi
    Shruthi Enrolled Jun 28 2015
    Great for beginners and people who want a refresher course in this topic Prerequisite: Matlab, Some probability theory and some numerical optimization basics (can all be googled for the required amount of knowledge, if you ask me- which is what I did :) )

    Pros: If you get through it sincerely and honestly you learn a lot in small amount of time.

    Cons: Some parts are really intensive in math. If you don't chicken out, you will be fine!

    My Opinion:
    This course explains everything that is necessary for the fundamentals of image and video processing as efficiently and lucidly as can be done in 12 weeks. It is very intensive course material and is mostly presented in a fun way, explaining all the applications of the methodologies being taught. I think the course instructor is passionate about what he is teaching and personally, that made me keep going to the end of the course, even if it got really tough somewhere in the middle. Overall it was fun , knowledgeable and equipped me with the fundamentals as it claims to do in its title.