Henry J.
  • 16 Saved Courses
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ASTR365 Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life The University of Edinburgh Coursera
DESG150 Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society University of Pennsylvania Coursera
GEO110 Planet Earth University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
MUS151 Introduction to Music Saylor Saylor
MUS154 How Music Works University of Florida Coursera
MUS164 Introduction to Digital Sound Design Emory University Coursera
MUS353 Songwriting Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS364 Introduction to Music Production Berklee College of Music Coursera
PSYCH100 Why We Need Psychology University of London International Programmes Coursera
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH280 Research Methods Saylor Saylor
PSYCH281 Research Methods Lab Saylor Saylor
PSYCH321 Theories of Personality Saylor Saylor
PSYCH403 Cultural Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH460 Neuropsychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH491 The Psychology of Learning and Behavior Saylor Saylor