Level | Course Title | University | Provider |
AERO E101 | Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering | Delft | EdX |
AERO E224 | Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics and Human Spaceflight | MIT | EdX |
AERO E301 | Introduction to Aerodynamics | MIT | EdX |
AERO E412 | Flight dynamics I - Airplane performance | IIT Madras | NPTEL |
B LAW360 | Introduction to European Business Law | Lund University | Coursera |
CS101 | Intro to Programming | Udacity | Udacity |
CS101 | Introduction to Computer Science and Programming | MIT | EdX |
CS101 | Introduction to Computer Science I | Saylor | Saylor |
CS101 | Computer Science 101 | Stanford University | Coursera |
CS180 | Introduction to Linux | LinuFoundation | EdX |
ECON101 | Fundamentals of Economics | MESI | OpenupEd |
FIN280 | Wall Street MOOC | First Business MOOC | First Business MOOC |
FIN285 | Financial Analysis | First Business MOOC | First Business MOOC |
MGT268 | Leadership for Engineers | Delft | EdX |