Gustavo S.
  • 17 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
EE261 Circuits and Electronics MIT EdX
EE270 Digital Systems Universitat Autňnoma de Barcelona Coursera
EE288 Electronic Interfaces: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds University of California, Berkeley EdX
EE332 Sense, Control, Act: Measure the Universe, Transform the World The University of Queensland EdX
EE340 Introduction to Electronics Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
MECH E116 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Saylor Saylor
MECH E218 Elements of Structures MIT EdX
MECH E260 Innovation and Commercialization MIT EdX
MECH E303 Fundamentals of Fluid Power University of Minnesota Coursera
MECH E313 Numerical Methods for Engineers Saylor Saylor
MECH E316 Design Decisions in Engineering Saylor Saylor
MECH E320 Sustainable Product Development Stanford University Novoed
MECH E330 Mechatronics Saylor Saylor
MECH E357 Everything is the Same: Modeling Engineered Systems Northwestern University Coursera
MECH E368 Wind, Waves and Tides: Alternative Energy Systems University of Toronto Coursera
MECH E407 Computational Fluid Dynamics IIT Madras NPTEL
PHYS402 Electronics IIT Delhi NPTEL